Select a section to read
God's Expression / The testimony of John the Baptist / Jesus' introduction by John the Baptist / Early encounters with disciples / Discussion questions
Nikodemos hears about being born again / The purpose of the Son of Man / The difference between John the Baptist and Jesus / Discussion questions
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman / The assignment of the harvest / A nobleman believes without first seeing / Discussion questions
Jesus heals the man at the pool / The relationship between Jesus and the Father / The basis for judgment / Discussion questions
The miracle of multiplication / Jesus walks on water / Sermon on Jesus as the bread of life / Jesus' words are spirit and life / Discussion questions
The woman caught in adultery / Following the father of lies versus the father of lights / Discussion questions
The Raising of Lazarus from death / Caiaphas' announcement that one man must die for his country / Discussion questions
The anointing of Jesus by Mary / The triumphal entry and the crowd praising Jesus / The turning point, where Jesus is ready for the crucifixion / Many people pass up their chance to believe in Jesus / Discussion questions
Jesus demonstrates how to be a servant / Jesus announces his betrayer is one of the twelve / Jesus explains what he and his disciples are about to go through / Discussion questions
Jesus made a way for every believer to be with him / Jesus identifies himself as just like the Father / Doing the same works as Jesus and greater works / Our relationship with the Father / Discussion questions
The time of glory has come / Jesus' request to the Father to keep the disciples safe from sin / Jesus asks for the disciples to come into the unity of the Father and Son / Discussion questions
The arrest of Jesus / Jesus' examination and Peter's denial / Pilate's examination of Jesus / Discussion questions
The trial and conviction of Jesus / The crucifixion and death of Jesus / Final fulfillments of scriptures in Jesus' death / The burial of Jesus' body / Discussion questions