Greeting / The blessings already received by the Corinthian church / Coming into alignment and unity / The power and wisdom of the cross / Discussion questions
Demonstration through the power of the Spirit / Revelation through the Spirit / Discussion questions
Division comes from immaturity / The importance of building on the right foundation / Discussion questions
Qualification of a caretaker / How apostles are dishonored / A reminder to follow your father in the faith / Discussion questions
Relations between men and women / Difficulties between husbands and wives / Bloom where you are planted / Instructions to the unmarried and widowed / Discussion questions
The right to be paid for preaching the Good News / Value of discipline and self control / Discussion questions
Warning to avoid temptations / Choosing to benefit the whole body and glorify God / Discussion questions
The different roles of men and women / The purpose and practice of the Lord's Supper / Discussion questions
The superiority of prophecy over spirit-given languages for public worship / The ideal order for a public gathering / Discussion questions