John the Baptist / Jesus’ baptism and temptation / First disciples / First deliverance / First healings / Around Galilee / Cleansing a leper / Discussion questions
Forgiving the paralytic / Calling sinners / Feasting not fasting / Sabbath for man / Discussion questions
Story of the sower / Using what you learn / More kingdom stories / Calming the storm / Discussion questions
Rejection at Nazareth / Sending the apostles / John the Baptist's execution / Feeding the five thousand / Walking on water / Discussion questions
Feeding the four thousand / No sign for this generation / Never in need again / Progressive healing of blind man / Jesus the Anointed One / Pick up your cross / Discussion questions
Marriage and divorce / Jesus and children / Problem with riches / Cost of glory / Healing blind Bartimaeus / Discussion questions
Triumphal entrance / Cursing the fig tree / Throwing out the moneylenders / Faith that moves mountains / Jesus' authority questioned / Discussion questions
Story of the vineyard / Testing Jesus once again / Anointed One is Lord / Exploiters vs true givers / Discussion questions
Jesus anointed at Bethany / Judas' agreement to betray / Lord's Supper / Jesus' agony while disciples sleep / Judas' betrayal / Jesus' trial with Jewish council / Peter's denial / Discussion questions