Paul's purpose to visit the Roman church / Process and result of turning away from God / Discussion questions
Our judgment of others indicates our unrighteousness / Our works will be judged concerning righteousness / Outward marks do not produce inward obedience / Discussion questions
Jews are not more righteous despite advantages over non-Jews / Righteousness through faith in Jesus / Discussion questions
Benefits of faith in Jesus / Sin and death came through one man / The gift of Jesus brings life to all men / Discussion questions
We are no longer married or bound to the Law / Sin uses the Law to bring about evil desire / Discussion questions
We can be righteous only by following the Spirit / The promise of future glory helps us past present suffering / All of creation waiting to be released / Nothing can keep us from God's love and purpose / Discussion questions
Paul's grief over Jews' reluctance to accept the Anointed One / God's sovereignty to appoint whom he will / God is not unjust / God still has a plan to bring the Jews into the fold / Discussion questions
Pursuing the Law has kept Israel from following the person of Jesus / Salvation is as easy as believing and confessing / Israel has heard but not believed / Discussion questions
God always preserves a remnant of the faithful among his people / God's plan is not complete until the Jewish people return to faith / Comparison to the grafting of trees / God has amazing plan for bringing Israel to salvation / Discussion questions
Life renewed and transformed / Use your gifts fully and with faith / Live totally unselfishly / / Discussion questions
Don't look down on others for their principles / Protect others' principles over insisting on your own / Discussion questions