Select a section to read
The promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit / The ascension of Jesus / The gathering of 120 believers and Peter's speech / The selection of Matthias to replace Judas / Discussion questions
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit / Effect on the Jews gathered for Pentecost / Peter's sermon explaining the outpouring / Peter's description of Jesus / Peter's invitation to 3000 / Life of the early church / Discussion questions
Peter and John before the Jewish Council / Prayer for boldness of the believers / Discussion questions
Death of Ananias and Sapphira / Apostles' miracles and growth of the Church / Jailing of the Apostles and their divine release / Peter standing up to the Council, Gamaliel's advice / Discussion questions
Assignment of leaders over the distribution of goods / Trumped up charges against Stephen / Discussion questions
Persecution and dispersion of believers / Philip in Samaria / Interaction between Peter and Simon the magician / Philip and the Ethiopian / Discussion questions
Saul's campaign against Jesus' followers / Saul's encounter with Jesus / Saul's healing and new life / Saul's introduction to the church in Jerusalem / Peter's healing of Aeneas and Tabitha / Discussion questions
Cornelius' and Peter's visions / Peter's witness to the non-Jews / Holy Spirit falls on the non-Jews / Discussion questions
Acceptance of the Holy Spirit's work among the non-Jews / Establishment of the church at Antioch / Discussion questions
Herod's persecution of the Jerusalem church leaders / Peter's rescue by an angel / Herod's displeasure and death / Spread of God's word / Discussion questions
God's appointment of Barnabus and Paul as missionaries / The first missionary journey / Governor receives faith / Departure of John Mark / Paul's sermon in Antioch of Pisidia / Rejection of the word by the Jews and the gladness of the non-Jews to receive / Discussion questions
Continued responsiveness amid persecution / Paul heals a lame man / Paul stoned but healed by the disciples / Establishment of leaders in the churches / Return to Syrian Antioch / Discussion questions
Paul and Silas in Thessalonica / Paul and Silas in Berea / Paul in Athens / Paul's sermon to the Council of Athens / Discussion questions
Paul's establishment of the church in Corinth / God's encouragement of Paul / Paul's initial visit to Ephesus / Paul's third missionary journey / Apollos in Ephesus and Corinth / Discussion questions
Paul building up the church in Ephesus / Teaching the word of God daily and performing miracles / Importance of knowing Jesus when using his name / Evil and magic give way to the kingdom of God / Last gasp of idolatry in Ephesus / Discussion questions
Paul visits Macedonia and Greece on his way back to Israel / Paul's teaching in Troas and raising Eutychus from the dead / Persistence Paul's final message to the Ephesian elders / Discussion questions
Paul's return to Israel / Prophecy of disaster for Paul / Paul with the Christian elders / The purification vow / Riot caused by the Jews from Asia / Paul's arrest / Discussion questions
Division in the Jewish Council over Paul / Vow and plan to kill Paul / Paul delivered to Governor Felix / Discussion questions