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Select a section to read
Reason for this account / Zachariah and Elizabeth's story / Mary's pregnancy / Birth of John the Baptist / Discussion questions
Fishers of men / Healing and forgiveness / Call to save sinners / New ways of doing things / Discussion questions
Lord of the Sabbath / Appointing the Twelve / Reversals of Fortune / How to treat others / Building on a firm foundation / Discussion questions
Faith of the centurion / Stopping a funeral / Proof that Jesus is the one / Forgiveness and love / Discussion questions
Jesus' traveling band / Story of the sower / Deliverance of the demoniac / Woman healed of flow of blood / Raising Jairus' daughter / Discussion questions
Sending out the twelve / Feeding the five thousand / Who Jesus is / The transfiguration / Deliverance of a boy / Attitudes Jesus expects toward others / Discussion questions
The Lord's Prayer / Persistence in intercession / Distinguishing evil and good / Listening and repenting / Consequences of faking holiness / Discussion questions
Fearing God not man / Heavenly versus earthly treasure / Watching for God / Accountability of servant leaders / Kingdom advances through division / Settling up with God / Discussion questions
Repentance or destruction / Healing on the Sabbath / How faith spreads / Known by God / Jerusalem's destiny / Discussion questions
Sin and forgiveness / Right attitude toward serving God / Healing and gratitude / Return of the Son of Man / Discussion questions
Intercession for God's justice / Humbling yourself to be lifted up / Receiving like little children / Obstacle of riches / Prediction of the crucifixion / Healing the blind beggar / Discussion questions
Repentance of a rich man / Handling God's investment / Triumphal entrance to Jerusalem / Jerusalem's judgment / Cleansing the Temple / Discussion questions
Story of the vineyard tenants / Jewish leaders traps for Jesus / Anointed One as Lord / Discussion questions
Poor widow's offering / Signs of coming destruction of the Temple / Signs of Jesus' Second Coming / Discussion questions
Judas' betrayal agreement / Preparation for Passover / Establishment of Lord's Supper / Betrayal, serving, and ruling / The coming test / Jesus' anguish / Betrayal and arrest / Peter's denial / Jesus before Jewish Council / Discussion questions